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I offer a practice which starts with the base belief that all beings are inherently good.  That said, we often develop patterns at an early age due to traumas or other circumstances that no longer serve us later in life and we forget who we really are and what our purpose is.  My intention is to create a safe space where others can peel back the layers to discover what it is they have been looking for.  

My primary theoretical approach is Relational Therapy.  I also use NeurOptimal, gestalt, mindfulness, wilderness practices, art, Transpersonal Therapy, and Brainspotting.  My degree is in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Wilderness Therapy.  Wilderness Therapy is about relationship to nature and how our relationship with nature can be healing.  I utilize nature in my office and outside of the office.  NeurOptimal is the cutting edge of Neurofeedback resulting in whole brain healing and therefore much quicker movement in therapy.  Brainspotting is a highly effective trauma treatment tool that releases trauma completely out of the system allowing the person to heal and move on.  I have seen a great deal of success in my clients immediately after Brainspotting sessions.  Look to the Resources and Links page for more information on NeurOptimal and Brainspotting.

I bring with me a background in crisis work with couples, families, and teens and have learned a great deal about myself and others through the process.  I have also worked with families, couples, and adults of various ages.  One of the pieces I hold dear is that we all carry a range of emotions, some that scare us or others and some that we prize, all of these emotions can be expressed and my job as a therapist is to create a safe place to do just that.  

The main reason most of us choose to come in to counseling is that there is something in our life that we are wanting to change.  I am happy to go through the process of change with you, however that may look.

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